Release Notes



Eurotech recommends the latest patch release for most environments.

Everyware Cloud 5.10.9 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.9 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.9
  • RESTful API 5.10.9
  • Events Broker 5.10.9
  • Messaging 5.10.9
  • Job Engine 5.10.9
  • VPN Service 5.10.9

Everyware Cloud 5.10.9 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.10 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.


  • Deployment - Changed the image pull policy to Always in Helm charts
  • Provisioning - Support sorting results in GET /{scopeId}/provisionRequests API

Includes all improvements from Kapua 1.6.10

Bug Fixes

  • Cluster Service - Fixed connected client count metric to include provisioning requests
  • Cluster Service - Fixed foreign key missing between Account and Deployment registry tables
  • Provisioning - Fixed OpenAPI documentation error for field reserveUser in provisioning requests
  • Authentication - Fixed OpenAPI documentation for POST /{scopeId}/authentication/user attribute required on body
  • Provisioning - Fixed OpenAPI documentation for GET /{scopeId}/provisionRequests/{provisionRequestId}/executions
  • REST API - Fixed OpenAPI documentation for default scopeId conventional representation _
  • Deployment - Fixed targetPort in service definition for MariaDB in Helm charts
  • Provisioning - Fixed PersistenceException in PUT /{scopeId}/provisionRequests/{provisionRequestId}/options when expiresOn is set to 0

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua 1.6.10

Upgrade Notes

This version contains DB schema changes that are automatically handled by applying the upgrade procedure. Check upgrade guide for more details.

Everyware Cloud 5.10.8 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.8 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.8
  • RESTful API 5.10.8
  • Events Broker 5.10.8
  • Messaging 5.10.8
  • Job Engine 5.10.8
  • VPN Service 5.10.8

Everyware Cloud 5.10.8 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.9 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.


  • Provisioning - Support filtering by executionState via REST APIs
  • Added configurability of MariaDB 'max_allowed_packet' parameter

Includes all improvements from Kapua 1.6.9

Bug Fixes

  • Provisioning - Fixed openApi documentation for requests creation endpoint
  • Cluster Service - Fixed Enforcement of scopeID for Deployment Registry creation
  • Logstore - Fixed GET /deviceLogs returns empty result if limit is set over 10000

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua 1.6.9

Upgrade Notes

This version contains DB schema changes that are automatically handled by applying the upgrade procedure. Check upgrade guide for more details.

Everyware Cloud 5.10.7 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.7 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.7
  • RESTful API 5.10.7
  • Events Broker 5.10.7
  • Messaging 5.10.7
  • Job Engine 5.10.7
  • VPN Service 5.10.7

Everyware Cloud 5.10.7 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.8 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.


  • Provisioning - Improve edit of additional configurations in Provision Request form
  • Provisioning - Log event to device in provisioning account when validation of provisioning request fails
  • Authentication - Add functionality to reset password
  • Authentication - Add new REST API to unlock credentials
  • Users - Add functionality to read and change user profile via REST API
  • REST API - Add functionality to read current system version and build version
  • REST API - Add more info to the system-info object
  • Deployment Charts - Map requests.memory property for all pods
  • Provisioning - Increase error events logged in provisioning execution
    • Target account does not have enough Users
    • Target account does not have enough Devices
    • Provisioning already completed/running
    • Provision request disabled
    • Provision request expired
    • Invalid credentials and/or activation key provided
    • Error while creating the provision job
  • Provisioning - Log request executed successfully in provisioning execution
  • Provisioning - Add new REST API request to perform request update

Includes all improvements from Kapua 1.6.8

Bug Fixes

  • Provisioning - Fixed provisioning request validation failure causes the message to be reprocessed multiple times
  • Certificates - Fixed add dialog is missing "Status" selector
  • Certificates - Fixed edit dialog does not allow to edit usage
  • Provisioning - Fixed validation of "Additional Configurations" field in provisioning Add/Edit forms
  • Provisioning - Fixed visualisation of "Has Additional Configurations" flag in provisioning description tab
  • Device Management - Fixed incorrect refresh of the device management tabs in device view
  • Deployment Charts - Fixed Charts does not work with Kubernetes 1.22+ API
  • Containers - Fixed missing version tag to docker images built
  • REST API - Fixed inconsistencies in API documentation
  • Batch Jobs - Fixed failure when sending an SSL certificate to the device
  • Provisioning - Fixed provisioning fails if auth.password.length.min is set greater than 20
  • Message Routes - Routes - Editing Route.templateId produces unexpected results

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua 1.6.8

Upgrade Notes

This version contains DB schema changes that are automatically handled by applying the upgrade procedure. Check upgrade guide for more details.

Everyware Cloud 5.10.6 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.6 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.6
  • RESTful API 5.10.6
  • Events Broker 5.10.6
  • Messaging 5.10.6
  • Job Engine 5.10.6
  • VPN Service 5.10.6

Everyware Cloud 5.10.6 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.7 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.


  • Provisioning - Add REST Endpoint to query provisioning executions
  • Batch Jobs - Add job step name and index to the job execution log
  • Batch Jobs - Add target name and compact id to to the job execution log
  • Device Activities - Add sorting to device activity and device activity updates REST Endpoints

Includes all improvements from Kapua 1.6.7

Bug Fixes

  • Device Management - Management operations fail when devices are bound to groups
  • Provisioning - Sorting doesn't work in provisioning requests view in the admin console

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua 1.6.7

Everyware Cloud 5.10.5 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.5 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.5
  • RESTful API 5.10.5
  • Events Broker 5.10.5
  • Messaging 5.10.5
  • Job Engine 5.10.5
  • VPN Service 5.10.5

Everyware Cloud 5.10.5 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.6 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.


Includes all improvements from Kapua 1.6.6

Bug Fixes

  • Device Activities - Fixed Activity tab and buttons visible for users with less-than required permissions

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua 1.6.6

Everyware Cloud 5.10.4 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.4 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.4
  • RESTful API 5.10.4
  • Events Broker 5.10.4
  • Messaging 5.10.4
  • Job Engine 5.10.4
  • VPN Service 5.10.4

Everyware Cloud 5.10.4 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.5 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.


Includes all improvements from Kapua 1.6.5

Bug Fixes

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua Kapua 1.6.5

Everyware Cloud 5.10.3 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.3 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.3
  • RESTful API 5.10.3
  • Events Broker 5.10.3
  • Messaging 5.10.3
  • Job Engine 5.10.3
  • VPN Service 5.10.3

Everyware Cloud 5.10.3 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.4 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.


  • Assembly - Explicitly set the target version of MariaDB

Includes all improvements from Kapua Kapua 1.6.4

Bug fixes

  • Provisioning - Fix device provisioning dialog hides device configuration section
  • Account Settings - Fix service configuration limit error messages

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua 1.6.4

Everyware Cloud 5.10.2 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.2 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.2
  • RESTful API 5.10.2
  • Events Broker 5.10.2
  • Messaging 5.10.2
  • Job Engine 5.10.2
  • VPN Service 5.10.2

Everyware Cloud 5.10.2 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.3 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.


Includes all improvements from Kapua 1.6.3

Bug Fixes

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua 1.6.3

Everyware Cloud 5.10.1 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.1 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.1
  • RESTful API 5.10.1
  • Events Broker 5.10.1
  • Messaging 5.10.1
  • Job Engine 5.10.1
  • VPN Service 5.10.1

Everyware Cloud 5.10.1 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.2 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.


  • Provisioning: Added checking of provision Job when it is already existing
  • Provisioning: Show characters allowed for password in provisioning request dialog
  • Device Activities: Show 'id' column in Device Activities view
  • VPN Service: Added specific exception when VPN configurations are not present for a VPN Server

Includes all improvements from Kapua 1.6.2


  • VPN Service: Fix submit button does not get focus in add account dialog
  • Message Service: Fix submit button does not get focus in add account dialogs
  • Batch Jobs: Fix mapping for TriggerProperty in OpenAPI definition
  • Device Management - Fix mapping for tamperServiceId in OpenAPI definition
  • Provisioning: Fix backend validation for ProvisionRequest.clientId
  • Provisioning: Fix Provisioning view error when provisioning request creation fails
  • Routes: Fix error write error when parameter names are null
  • VPN Service: Fix download of vpn configuration file for level two accounts or higher

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua 1.6.2

Everyware Cloud 5.10.0 Release Notes


Everyware Cloud 5.10.0 components:

  • Admin Console 5.10.0
  • RESTful API 5.10.0
  • Events Broker 5.10.0
  • Messaging 5.10.0
  • Job Engine 5.10.0
  • VPN Service 5.10.0

Everyware Cloud 5.10.0 is based on Eclipse Kapua 1.6.1 and includes all changes from earlier Everyware Cloud versions.

New Features

  • Delegated Authentication [1]. Users authenticated externally through an OpenID Connect provider can be identified by external name (the existing identification through subject identifier is still supported).
  • Component Inventory [1]. A dedicated panel in the Admin Console lists all the Container Resources in the ESF device. User can start/stop the containers from the Admin Console or REST API.
  • Key Rotation [1]. A tool is distributed with the software that allows system administrators to rotate the key used to encrypt secrets stored in the DB. Check the procedure to upgrade from an earlier version of Everyware Cloud

[1] - From Eclipse Kapua


  • Console: Added label for Certificate PrivateKey info
  • TLS Connections: Moved CBC Cipher Suites to Legacy Algorithms
  • VPN Service: restrict creation of Vpn Server entries to ec-sys account
  • Device Component Inventory: manage new APK resource type

Includes all improvements from Kapua 1.6.1


  • Certificates Management: Added checks for Certificate.forwardable property to be not null
  • Certificates Management: Added check to Certificate.privateKey when sending DEVICE_MANAGEMENT certificate to Device
  • Certificates Management: Fixed typo in Device Management Certificate Tab
  • Certificates Management: Sanitized Certificate Usages field
  • Device Tamper Status: Fixed Tamper Status dialog layout
  • Device Provisioning: Added missing status field in Provision Request edit dialog
  • Helm Charts: Added missing mapping for SSO in Helm Charts
  • API: Fix device management activity open api mapping
  • API: Fix typos in documentation
  • Security: Fix OpenAPI authentication user examples
  • API: Added missing Inventory/container resource mappings to root openapi.yaml
  • API: Fix Swagger CLI openapi.yaml generation
  • Device Activities: Fixed REST DeviceManagementActivities retrieva
  • Security: Fixed UserCreator.status mapping and references
  • VPN Service: Fix VPN service utils NullPointerException

Includes all bug fixes from Kapua 1.6.1