AWS Deployment
This is an example of how Everyware Cloud can be deployed on AWS using a scalable and highly available architecture suitable for production services.
AWS Services Used
In a typical AWS deployment the following services will be used:
- AWS EKS (required)
- AWS IAM (required)
- AWS EC2 (optional)
- AWS ELB (required)
- AWS ALB (required)
- AWS VPC (required)
- AWS RDS (required)
- AWS KMS (required)
- AWS OpenSearch (optional)
- AWS S3 (optional)
You will incur in charges on your AWS bill for all the services above, use the AWS Pricing Calculator and AWS Cost Explorer to control your service charges.
The cost of the resources varies based on your specific deployment scenario. See the pricing page for each AWS service you will be using for full details.
If you need help to determine the sizing of the services, please contact Eurotech.
View Deployed Resources
After the deployment of Everyware Cloud in your AWS account using your favorite infrastructure as code tool, you can use the same tool to list all the resources utilized by the deployment.
$ terraform show -json
AWS Service Quotas
Your AWS account has default service quotas that may limit your ability to launch new resources or use services.
Based on your deployment size we advise to closely review and monitor your service quotas and consider them in your business continuity or disaster recovery plan. You can find more information on how to view and manage your service quotas at the link below:
If you are experiencing issues with your deployment you can inspect the logs using the following command:
$ kubectl –n everyware-cloud get deployments
$ kubectl –n everyware-cloud describe deployments …
$ kubectl –n everyware-cloud get pod
$ kubectl –n everyware-cloud logs -f …
Updated almost 3 years ago