ESF/Eclipse Kura Devices
Everyware Software Framework (ESF) is an enterprise-ready IoT Edge Framework distributed and supported by Eurotech. Based on Eclipse Kura, the open source Java/OSGi middleware for IoT gateways, ESF adds provisioning, advanced security, remote access, diagnostics monitoring. It supports ready-to-use field protocols (including Modbus, OPC-UA, S7), MQTT connectivity, and a web-based visual data flow programming to acquire data from the field, process it at the edge, and publish it to IoT Cloud Platforms.
Devices powered by Eclipse Kura or Everyware Software Framework can natively connect to and be managed by Everyware Cloud. The following step-by-step instructions guide on how to configure Everyware Software Framework to connect to Everyware Cloud using the ESF Gateway Administrative Console.
For more information, make sure to review the latest ESF documentation.
Administration Console
ESF provides a web-based, user interface for the administration and management of your IoT gateway. The ESF Gateway Administration Console enables you to monitor the gateway status, manage the network configuration, and manage the installed application and services. Access to the ESF Gateway Administration Console requires that a unit running ESF is reachable via its Ethernet or Wi-Fi network interfaces (i.e., eth0, eth1, or wlan0). The default (out-of-the-box) network configuration for these interfaces is as follows:
- Status: Enabled for LAN
- Configure: Manually (Static IP)
- IP Address:
- Subnet Mask:
- DHCP Server Enabled
- Status: Enabled for WAN
- Configure: DHCP (DHCP client)
- Status: Enabled for LAN
- Configure: Manually (Static IP)
- IP Address:
- Subnet Mask:
- Wireless Mode: Access Point
- SSID: kuragateway<eth0_MAC_Address>
- Wireless Security: WPA/WPA2
- Passphrase: testKEYS
Connections on HTTP port 80 for these interfaces is allowed by default through the built-in firewall. The ESF Gateway Administration Console can be accessed by typing the IP address of the gateway into browser's URL bar. Once the URL is submitted, the user is required to login and is then redirected to the ESF Gateway Administration Console (e.g., The default login name and password is admin/admin.
Cloud Configuration
The ESF Gateway Administrative Console exposes all the needed services for connecting to Everyware Cloud. The reference links listed below outline each service involved in the Everyware Cloud connection. It is recommended that each section be reviewed.
The default settings for the CloudService are typically adequate for connecting to Everyware Cloud. The screen capture shown below displays the default settings for the CloudService. For details about each setting, please refer to CloudService.

While the majority of default settings in the MqttDataTransport can be left unchanged, the following parameters must be modified:
broker-url - defines the MQTT broker URL that was provided when the Eurotech Everyware Cloud account was established. Information on how to obtain the broker URL can be found here. In the MqttDataTransport configuration screen capture shown below, the broker-url is tcp://
topic.context.account-name - defines the account name of the account to which the device is attempting to connect. In the MqttDataTransport configuration screen capture shown below, the account name is acme.
username - identifies the user to be used when creating the connection. In the MqttDataTransport configuration screen capture shown below, the username is acme_broker.

The majority of default settings in the DataService can be left unchanged. A screen capture of the DataService configuration is shown below. For complete details about the DataService configuration parameters, please refer to DataService.
In order for ESF to connect to Everyware Cloud on startup, the option must be set to true. If this value is changed from false to true, ESF will immediately begin the connection process. It is recommended that the CloudService and MqttDataTransport are configured before setting the option to true.

Cloud Connect/Disconnect
The status panel can be used to manually connect or disconnect the client while ESF is running. The main button toolbar has a connect and disconnect button that may be used to control connectivity.
Updated about 2 years ago