Kafka Route

Parameters for Apache Kafka Routes

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault
Kafka BrokersComma separated list of Kafka brokers in the format host:port (or ip:port)
Header Property (1)Header property name in the Camel message where Camel Kafka component will find the composed URL representing the endpoint to invoke.
For most of the use cases the default configuration works good and should not to be changed.
Original Topic (1)The name of the topic where the message was originally sent to by the device. By default it is read from the originalTopic property of the Camel message. It is used by Kafka to calculate the partition key.
For most of the use cases the default configuration works good and should not to be changed.
Message ConverterMessage converter to convert the incoming message before forwarding it to Kafka
Available options are:
- none: no message converter will be used so the message forwarded to Kafka will be the same received by the broker
- json: the incoming message will be converted to a Kura payload then to Json (see Output JSON example below).
Key SerializerKafka-record key serializer.
For the serializers provided by Kafka please refer to the Kafka documentation.
Key Header (2)Kafka-record key assignment method. Can be either NONE or TOPIC. The recommended value is NONE. When the method is NONE, no key is assigned to the record so that Kafka will manage which topic partition the record will be assigned to. When the method is TOPIC the key is set to the original topic of the message (e.g. the MQTT topic of the telemetry message sent to EC by the device).NONE
SerializerKafka-record value serializer.
For the serializers provided by Kafka please refer to the Kafka documentation.
URL OptionsAdditional Kafka endpoint options. This field allows to specify more parameters to be used by the Kafka client. The options are added to the composed URL. For the available client parameters please refer to the Kafka client documentation (see URL Options below).none
Topic MatchingDescribes how to map the incoming messages topics to Kafka topics (see Topic Matching Example below).
The field expects a list of rows composed by comma separated key value pair.
The key is the regex to match the incoming topics.
The value is the corresponding destination Kafka topic.
The destination Kafka topic can contain variables recognized by the routing service (currently only ACCOUNT variable is supported).
The default value maps all the incoming topics into the ${ACCOUNT} (account name) topic.

(1) The parameter has been removed starting from release 5.8.1. If specified it will be ignored.
(2) The parameter has been introduced starting from release 5.9.3. Using the TOPIC assignment method all the messages from the same message topic will be sent to the same Kafka topic partition. This choice could impact the performances of your Kafka instance. Routes created with versions earlier the 5.9.3, will work as if they have the parameter set to NONE.


Supported Kafka Client

The currently supported Kafka client version is

Topic matching example

This is a topic matching example.
Please note that the incoming message use the JMS syntax (so the topic levels are . (dot) separated instead of / (slash) separated)


This configuration forwards the messages for all the account's clients to different destination topics depending on 3 semantic topics:

MQTT semantic topicKafka topic


Topic Names

Kafka allows only few characters in the topic (regex coming from the Kafka source code "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]"). Please take care of this limitation while setting the topic name route field.

URL Options

The route supports various configuration options. For example these are various combinations used for different authentication methods.

Protocol/MechanismDescriptionURL Option
PLAINTEXT (no authentication)Plaintext, no authentication&securityProtocol=PLAINTEXT
PLAINTEXT/PLAINPlaintext, basic authentication&securityProtocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT&saslMechanism=PLAIN
SSL/PLAINSSL/TLS encrypted, basic authentication&securityProtocol=SASL_SSL&saslMechanism=PLAIN
PLAINTEXT/GSSAPIPlaintext, Kerberos authentication&securityProtocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT&saslMechanism=GSSAPI&saslKerberosServiceName=kafka
SSL/GSSAPISSL/TLS encrypted, Kerberos authntication&securityProtocol=SASL_SSL&saslMechanism=GSSAPI&saslKerberosServiceName=kafka

For more details regarding security configurations refer to section Secrets for Helm Charts.

Output Json example

  "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
  "scopeId": "AQ",
  "deviceId": "RyO9_XKGRsw",
  "clientId": "client-id-0",
  "receivedOn": 1543486113,
  "sentOn": 1543486113,
  "capturedOn": 1543486113,
  "position": {
    "longitude": 0.0,
    "latitude": 0.0,
    "precision": 50,
    "heading": 240,
    "speed": 110,
    "timestamp": 1543486113,
    "satellites": 2,
    "status": 0
  "channel": {
    "semanticParts": [ "one", "two", "three" ]
  "payload": {
    "metrics": {
      "metric_one": {
        "value": "string_value",
        "valueType": "string"
      "metric_two": {
        "value": 123,
        "valueType": "integer"
      "metric_three": {
        "value": true,
        "valueType": "boolean"
    "body": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJvZHkgY29udGVudA=="

Route Troubleshooting

When connecting to a Kafka instance:

  • Ensure that the endpoint is reachable from Everyware Cloud services
  • Ensure that the Kafka endpoint does not belong to a black-listed address