Using Helm Charts

This page describe Everyware Cloud installation process using Helm Charts on Kubernetes and OpenShift.

Namespace creation

The first step is to create a dedicated namespace. In this documentation, we will use the namespace everyware-cloud. This is the default value used on the helm charts; if a different one is used, the configuration passed to the helm charts should be changed accordingly.

# For Kubernetes
kubectl create namespace everyware-cloud
kubectl label namespaces everyware-cloud name=everyware-cloud

# For OpenShift
oc new-project everyware-cloud \
    --description="Everyware Cloud deployment" \
    --display-name="Everyware Cloud"
oc label namespaces everyware-cloud name=everyware-cloud

It's important to add the namespace's name label if enforcing NetworkPolicies.

Docker registry secret

Firstly create a docker-registry secret containing the credentials for the Everyware Cloud docker registry. Replace username and password with the values provided by Eurotech.

# For Kubernetes
kubectl -n everyware-cloud create secret docker-registry eurotech-docker-registry \ \
    --docker-username=<USERNAME> \

# For OpenShift
oc -n everyware-cloud create secret docker-registry eurotech-docker-registry \ \
    --docker-username=<USERNAME> \


Before deploying Everyware Cloud it is advised to configure few secrets that will be used by the containers. In particular, EC uses secrets for both the database credentials and the certificates.

First, configure the secrets for the database using the command shown below. Change the values according to your own environment. The default name for the secret in the charts is ec-credentials-db .

# For Kubernetes
kubectl -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-db \
    --from-literal=username=<USERNAME> \
# For OpenShift
oc -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-db \
    --from-literal=username=<USERNAME> \

Configure the secrets for the events broker. These are used for the internal communication between the EC components and the events broker itself. The default bane for the secret in the charts is ec-credentials-events-broker .

# For Kubernetes
kubectl -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-events-broker \
    --from-literal=username=<USERNAME> \

# For OpenShift
oc -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-events-broker \
    --from-literal=username=<USERNAME> \

Create the secret used for the communication between the various services and the message broker. The default name for this secret in the charts is ec-credentials-transport .

# For Kubernetes
kubectl -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-transport \
    --from-literal=username=<USERNAME> \

# For OpenShift
oc -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-transport \
    --from-literal=username=<USERNAME> \

When caching is enabled, an extra secret with the credentials for the Redis service needs to be created. This secret should be referenced in all the Everyware Cloud components as described in the Helm chart documentation.

# For Kubernetes
kubectl -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-cache \

# For OpenShift
oc -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-cache \

If planning to use message routes to a Kafka cluster, the JaaS authentication file should be stored in a secret. This secret should then be referenced in the configuration file of the Message Broker Helm chart as described in the chart documentation.

# For Kubernetes
kubectl -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-jaas-config-kafka \
# For OpenShift
oc -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-jaas-config-kafka \

The content of the JaaS file varies depending on the authentication method used. The following snippet shows the content format for username and password authentication.

KafkaClient { required

Lastly, to expose the monitoring endpoint with basic authentication, create a secret containing an htpasswd file with the credentials:

# For Kubernetes
kubectl -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-monitoring \
# For OpenShift
oc -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-credentials-monitoring \


This step creates a secret containing the certificate, the private key and the CA chain for the Everyware Cloud services. This can be done multiple times if not using wildcards certificates or in case separate certificates are used for each service. The default is a single secret ec-certificate containing a wildcard certificate. This step can be skipped if SSL/TLS is not used (not recommended).

The following files are necessary to create certificate secrets:

  • file containing the PEM encoded certificate
  • file containing the PEM encoded private key
  • file bundling the certificate's parent CAs
  • file bundling the concatenation of the certificate and certificate's parent CAs

With these files run the following command:

# For Kubernetes
kubectl -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-certificate \
    --from-file=crt=<PATH-TO-CERTIFICATE-FILE> \
    --from-file=key=<PATH-TO-KEY-FILE> \
    --from-file=ca=<PATH-TO-CA-BUNDLE-FILE> \
# For OpenShift
oc -n everyware-cloud create secret generic ec-certificate \
    --from-file=crt=<PATH-TO-CERTIFICATE-FILE> \
    --from-file=key=<PATH-TO-KEY-FILE> \
    --from-file=ca=<PATH-TO-CA-BUNDLE-FILE> \

If the services are going to be exposed via an NGINX ingress controller, the following secret of type TLS should also be created:

# For Kubernetes
kubectl -n everyware-cloud create secret tls ec-certificate-ingress \
    --key=<PATH-TO-KEY-FILE> \
# For OpenShift
oc -n everyware-cloud create secret tls ec-certificate-ingress \
    --key=<PATH-TO-KEY-FILE> \

Common configuration

This procedure installs a ConfigMap containing the common configurations used by all the EverywareCloud components like the database endpoint URL. The first step is to configure the values file ec-configs.yaml containing all the custom values for the environment. The description of the accepted options can be obtained with the following command:

helm show readme charts/01-prerequisites/ec-config

To create the ConfigMap run the following command:

helm install -n everyware-cloud -f ec-configs.yaml ec-configs charts/01-prerequisites/ec-configs

Everyware Cloud components

Everyware Cloud is composed by five different parts: events broker, RESTful API, Web Console, message broker, VPN and basic monitoring.

The installation is pretty straightforward. First create the configuration files for the various components. A description of the possible options can be obtain with the following command:

helm show readme charts/02-components/<component>

Once the configuration files have been created it's just a matter of applying the Helm chart. The script below lists the commands in the suggested order of execution. Wait for a component to be fully up before starting the deployment of the next one.

# Deploy the Events Broker
helm install -n everyware-cloud -f ec-events-broker.yaml ec-events-broker charts/02-components/ec-events-broker

# Deploy the Message Broker
helm install -n everyware-cloud -f ec-broker.yaml ec-broker charts/02-components/ec-broker

# Deploy the RESTful API
helm install -n everyware-cloud -f ec-api.yaml ec-apicharts/02-components/ec-api

# Deploy the Web Console
helm install -n everyware-cloud -f ec-console.yaml ec-console charts/02-components/ec-console

Remote Access Service

The Remote Access Service is an optional component that allows remote connections to the devices via an on-demand VPN tunnel. This component requires some extra policies to be configured at cluster level. You'll need cluster-admin role in order procede with the next steps.

Firstly create a service account at project level. This can be done by a normal project administrator.
It's not necessary to repeat the following prerequisite steps when installing multiple Remove Access Service components.

# For Kubernetes
kubectl create sa ec-vpn-sa

# For OpenShift
oc create sa ec-vpn-sa

Then, as a cluster-admin install the new policy for the VPN and assign it to the service account. For the ec-vpn-role chart you'll need to customise the chart passing the service account name. You can create a different project to store the helm chart status instead of using the default project.

# Login a clust-admin user

# For Kubernetes
helm install -n default charts/01-prerequisites/ec-vpn-policy
helm install -n everyware-cloud -f ec-vpn-role.yaml ec-vpn-role charts/01-prerequisites/ec-vpn-role

# For OpenShift
helm install -n default ec-vpn-policy charts/01-prerequisites/ec-vpn-policy
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid-ec-vpn -z ec-vpn-sa -n everyware-cloud

At this point it's possible to install the VPN Service itself using a normal project administrator user.

# Deploy the VPN Server
helm install -n everyware-cloud -f ec-vpn.yaml ec-vpn charts/02-components/ec-vpn

Basic Monitoring

This step installs basic monitoring tools to retrieve metrics from the other components. It's composed of a service account with read permission on some of the resources of the namespace and the monitoring container themselves.

# Deploy the Monitoring Service
helm install -n everyware-cloud -f ec-monitoring.yaml ec-monitoring charts/02-components/ec-monitoring


Everyware Cloud supports horizontal scaling for the RESTful API and Message Broker services. It's possible to expand the capacity by increasing the replication count property in the values of the Helm Charts.

It's also possible to deploy multiple Message Broker and VPN services. This can be done using a different name in the field release of the helm command. When using different clusters it's important to assign the account in Everyware Cloud with the corresponding cluster that will be used for the connections. This is described in the Messaging and VPN Servers sections.

Affinity and Node Selector

It's possible to specify node affinity and/or node selector using the affinity and nodeSelector values in the chart property file. Simply define the affinity rules in YAML format. More documentation can be found on the official Kubernetes documentation.